Sunday, June 16, 2013

Menopause Natural Remedies - Why These Options Are Worth Women's Consideration

A number of menopause natural remedies have gained support from both patients and health professionals due to increased emphasis being given to natural cures. In here, we'll take a look at some of the more popular menopause natural remedies to provide women around the world with much-needed help to make informed choices.

Herbs for menopause

There are certain herbs for menopause relief that have been touted by natural menopause treatment supporters and one of the most heard-of is black cohosh. This flowering plant is said to be very effective in reducing hot flashes and night sweats. It contains phytochemicals which had been know to relieve the effects of several menopausal symptoms.

Another plant-based cure that is highly recommended by followers of herbal medicine is dong quai which has been known to help offset estrogen deficiency.

Maca root, a plant said to help in normalizing sex drive, is also believed to be effective in balancing estrogen and progesterone levels in the body and is a much favored menopause symptoms reliever.

Phytoestrogens as natural menopause treatment

Among the many plant-based natural remedies for symptoms of menopause, those that contain phytoestrogens garner some of the most intense interest and attention from natural cures enthusiasts. Several supplements based on phytoestrogens, like Menozac, have come out of the market lately. Phytoestrogens are chemicals found in plants and they supposedly function as naturally-produced estrogens in the body.

These chemicals are said to partly make up for estrogens lost by women when they enter the period of menopause. Soybeans are considered as the richest source of phytoestrogens.

Alternative methods that bring relief

Aside from supplements and herbal medications, there are several other ways by which women around the world are finding relief from the effects of menopausal symptoms. One of this is yoga. Any form of exercise, for that matter, actually brings relief. However, yoga has been highly touted not only for its physical, but also for its psychological effects.

Acupuncture is another natural and alternative method used to treat symptoms of menopause. It is said to prevent depression and is considered a top notch option for curing headaches.

Whether you prefer menopause natural remedies or scientifically modern methods, keep in mind that simple lifestyle changes such as exercise, proper diet and enough sleep should still be part of your treatment program. And oh, do visit your doctor as he still knows best.

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