Saturday, June 22, 2013

A Natural Alternative For Relieving Hot Flashes, Mood Swings, And Depression

Millions of women suffer from the hormonal imbalances of PMS and menopause. These imbalances cause physiological effects of heavy, irregular bleeding, sleeplessness, cramping, mood swings, hot flashes and depression, and countless other symptoms that inhibit a woman’s ability to function normally under fluctuating hormones. Most women have sought the help of over the counter drugs and prescription medication in order to alleviate these symptoms, putting themselves at risk for potential serious side effects from synthesized drugs. Interest in natural remedies has grown over recent years and more and more women are turning to plant-based products to regulate hormones and relieve symptoms of menopause and PMS. A combination of the most effective natural remedies for these symptoms gives women optimal relief without synthetic drugs or hormones.

Recent decades have proven that synthetic hormones and medications can prove more dangerous than beneficial. Every year popular medications and over the counter drugs are pulled from the shelves due to health risks and hormone replacement therapy has proven to cause severe health risks such as heart attacks and cancer. But women continue to search for relief from the symptoms of menopause and PMS. Many of these women have gone on and off hormonal therapy and medications, constantly searching for relief from hormonal symptoms as well as release from the side effects of prescription medications. Millions of women suffer from these side effects but, until lately, have had no other alternative to traditional synthesized medicine.

Thanks to the increase in interest of natural remedies, more and more doctors and scientists have discovered the beneficial results from patients using herbal and natural remedies. Dr. Kalyami Kumar OB/GYN began seeing severe health side effects from patients using hormone replacement therapy and began studying the benefits of some of these natural herbs. As a result, she discovered that a specific combination of black cohosh, red clover, wild yam, and soy provided women with the relief they so desperately needed without the dangerous side effects of traditional treatment.

A synergistic blend of these ingredients helps create hormone balances within the body and provide symptomatic relief for problems commonly associated with menopause and PMS. Estrogen, one of the major hormones associated with PMS and menopause, can cause severe cramping and bleeding when in excess. Balanced supplements, like those found in Estrosym, are designed to balance out the estrogen dominance with natural ingredients. For example, black cohosh binds to estrogen receptors and makes the body believe it is receiving and creating estrogen, providing an opportunity for the body’s own hormones to come into better balance. But, in order to maintain proper levels of progesterone and estrogen, women must incorporate wild yam, a supplement containing molecules that convert to progesterone and counteract the estrogen dominance in the blood. Wild yam also produces a calming effect, settling the moods of women while balancing the hormones associated with moodiness and anxiety. By balancing the hormones naturally, supplements provide relief from the bleeding, cramping, hot flashes and mood swings so commonly associated with hormone fluctuations.

Menopause and PMS cause stress and anxiety even without imbalanced hormones. Normal and abnormal fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone cause both physical and psychological stress, eventually resulting in both bodily and emotional discomfort. Dr. Kumar has created a means by which women can alleviate both the hormonal fluctuations and the symptoms commonly associated with these imbalances. A synergistic blend of supplements relieves heavy bleeding, cramping, hot flashes, moodiness, depression, sleeplessness, and even promotes bone health and collagen synthesis. By providing all the benefits (visit: [] ) of traditional medication without the use of synthesized drugs, natural supplements provide women with the relief they need and the safety they deserve.

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