Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Perimenopause and Nausea

For most people, nausea is one of the worst feelings there is. After all, you don't only feel bad or feel sick, but your feelings are usually accompanied by the thought of what may happen if the feeling gets out of hand. The gross and undesirable outcome of nausea gone out of control is something everyone hates!

Unfortunately for women, perimenopause and nausea can sometimes go hand in hand. Many women say that the nausea experienced during perimenopause is similar to pregnancy's morning sickness, except much worse! Some women have reported going through days or weeks of nausea in which they are able to eat only one thing, and only in small amounts.

The constantly turning stomach presented by nausea and perimenopause's other symptoms can be debilitating to a woman. Women often do not get enough nutrition, which leads to headaches, lack of concentration, and fatigue. In the worst cases a woman may be left unable to do any of her regular daily tasks or become under-nourished.

So what can a woman do about perimenopause and the nausea that may come with it?

If a woman is having her first nausea attack, she is asked to make sure that being pregnant is out of the question. Once this has been ruled out, she must find ways to cope with the symptom. Each woman's nausea tends to be different, and so she'll have to find a way that works for her. Some women say that eating soda crackers or drinking soda can help, while others say that an increase in the amount of water being drunk throughout the day can help as well.

Other women claim that meditation or relaxation techniques work as well. This is usually in support of the theory that perimenopause symptoms (nausea included) can be caused or made worse by extreme stress. Spending a few hours each day to meditate seems to help some women cope with both nausea and their other perimenopause symptoms.

Since doctors are still unsure which specific hormonal imbalance triggers the nausea experienced by women in perimenopause, the best advice they give involves a complete change in the woman's lifestyle. Usually doctors recommend regular exercise, strict sleeping habits, and healthy eating as one holistic way to rid women of nausea and perimenopause symptoms in general.

Remember, your perimenopause and your nausea can be entirely unique to you. Your best bet at surviving it all is to educate yourself about all the symptoms of perimenopause, understand what goes on internally, and find the coping tricks that work best for you!

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