Sunday, July 7, 2013

How to Find Menopause Relief Through the Emotional Freedom Technique EFT

Wouldn't it be wonderful if there were a natural way to find menopause relief? No doubt, there are many herbal remedies, supplements and medicines that can and do help women suffering from insomnia, hot flashes, depression and night sweats. Yet there is also a rather new twist on an ancient practice that has helped over 100,000 women!

This relatively new adaptation of the ancient Chinese practice of acupuncture is called The Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT. It was developed by Gary Craig in the 1990's while he was working with Dr. Roger Callahan, a cognitive psychologist.

What is EFT?

EFT was somewhat accidentally discovered when Dr. Callahan was helping a patient with a phobia of water. By drawing on his background is energy psychology and physical energy flow, the doctor was able to cure the man of his severe phobia.

Gary Craig has taken the concept a huge step further by developing the practice of EFT. He has successfully treated over 100,000 people, all with zero side effects and virtually no complaints. It is safe, very easy to use, and quite inexpensive.

How does EFT work?

Eastern medicine has long recognized the connection between a persons emotional health and their physical health. Your biography becomes your biology is another way of saying this. Your stress levels are directly related to your physical well- being.

Western medicine has been slow to accept this, along with many other facets of Eastern medicine. However, this is gradually changing and now many insurance companies cover alternative treatments such as acupuncture.

EFT uses the same pressure points as acupuncture, but instead of needles, you use your fingertips. Specific points on the body are lightly tapped with your own fingertips, and at the same time you speak a positive, reaffirming statement.

At first it all seems a bit weird, but because it is so effective, this is quickly gotten over. Very often, people discover many buried sources of emotional pain and are able to find real relief. It can be a little like a geyser of emotional upheaval, bringing healing in it's path.

How to find an EFT practitioner.

A therapist or psychologist will know about EFT and can possibly recommend a good one. The EFT website also contains a listing of practitioners. Make sure you interview the practitioner and you feel comfortable with him/her. EFT can be very personal and you need to have a good relationship that is open and trusting.

Can EFT help with menopause symptoms?

Many of the symptoms of menopause have strong emotional ties. Perimenopause and menopause are times of emotional reassessment and EFT is a very fitting therapy to help in the process. The stress from personal baggage can be alleviated, which will greatly help with the hormonal balance. This in turn will bring significant menopause relief.

EFT is a safe, natural, scientific yet traditional method of healing that can be a great way to get some help. Additionally, it is easy to apply and can be done anywhere at anytime!

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