Saturday, July 20, 2013

Herbal Treatment for Menopause Symptoms

Because of the risks of hormone replacement therapy (HRT), many women are using herbal remedies for relief from the symptoms of menopause. If you take any kind of prescription medication, you should consult with your physician before taking any herbal products to be sure there will not be any adverse interaction with the prescribed medication. All women are different and have different needs and the severity of symptoms due to menopause will vary for everyone. You will need to find what works best for your body. Listed below are some of the most commonly used botanicals for the treatment of menopause symptoms.

Soy is a great source of isoflavones (plant-derived, estrogen-like compounds similar to forms of your body's own estrogen). Adding soy protein to your diet is also great for your cardiovascular health. Because of their estrogen-like behavior, isoflavones can help reduce hot flashes. Soy protein shakes are also great to have right after a workout to help speed up recovery. Red clover is another great source of isoflavones.

Black cohosh is another herbal treatment for hot flashes. It is used extensively in Europe and is becoming more and more popular in the U.S.

Dong quai and evening primrose oil are herbs that help relieve PMS symptoms and menopausal symptoms.

Chaste tree balances female hormones and is an effective treatment for some women.

Ginseng increases stamina and vitality and helps relieve stress.

Valerian and passionflower are great herbal remedies for sleep and stress relief.

Hormone balancing creams can also be effective in relieving menopausal symptoms. These are applied topically to soft tissue areas.

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