Sunday, June 30, 2013

Signs of Perimenopause - Take This Quiz and Find Out

You're in doubt. You're not sure if you're already having perimenopause symptoms, especially since you're just below the 40s line. But you are experiencing signs of perimenopause already - irregular menstrual cycles, irritability, hot flashes, and sleep problems to name a few.

Having these symptoms may or may not be an indication of you going through that phase. Find out by answering these questions:

1. How old are you? (Your age could be a determining factor if you're in perimenopause or early menopause. The usual age would be around 40 to 50, but sometimes it could be as early as 35.)

2. Is your menstrual period still regular? (Your cycle could possibly be either short or long, and blood flow will be lighter or heavier, sometimes even just spotting. This is one of the very first indicators that you are entering the stage.)

3. Do you experience hot flashes? (A result of the hormone triggered changes in the hypothalamus, it is the body's attempt to cool you down if it senses that you are too warm. Blood rushes to the blood vessels near the surface to cool the body, resulting in flushed look to the face and neck.)

4. Are you having night sweats? (If you experience hot flashes with heavy perspiration at night, then you are having night sweats.)

5. Do you have trouble sleeping? (Some women have perimenopause insomnia aside from having sweats and hot flashes at night.)

6. Is your libido level increasing or decreasing than usual? (Changes in vagina can sometimes make intercourse painful, thereby lessening the desire to have sex. Some women however, experience and insatiable sex drive. Whatever the state, there may be a chance that if it's less or more than usual, you may be in the early stages of perimenopause already.)

7. Do you smoke? (If you're a smoker and you're nowhere near the perimenopause age, chances are, you will experience perimenopause 2 or 3 years earlier than usual.)

8. Are you experiencing vaginal dryness or irritation? (Vaginal atrophy is caused by a decline of estrogen that causes the vagina to become dry and less elastic.)

9. Do you have mood swings? (Hormonal changes combined with physical stresses like a change of relationship or career issues contribute to mood swings.)

10. Is your hair thinning? (This is usually genetic, but this is also a symptom of perimenopause.)

If you answered yes to at least 5 out of 10 questions, then you may be in perimenopause already. The usual solutions to these symptoms are having a balanced and healthy diet and regular exercise. It is also best to consult with your doctor to rule out any other illnesses like cancer or thyroid problems, especially if you have heavy or unexpected bleeding, and night sweats with an irregular heartbeat.

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