Sunday, June 23, 2013

Hot Flashes Cure - 5 Simple Solutions For Immediate Relief

Hot flashes cure; is that high on your list of priorities? Are you looking for safe and simple ways to take back the life that hot flashes have stolen from you?...if so, you are not alone! Menopause is being talked, (among the thirty something and older crowd) is like computer language in Silicone Valley. Everyone has their own worst symptoms. However, with hot flashes there are a few symptoms that seem to be stealing the show. With all of the talk around town, there are still a few people that are unsure if what they are experiencing are hot flashes.

So before we get started the first question many people asked is how do you know if what you are suffering from is menopause or am I just stressed out. Well, to answer that question; if you are suffering from any of the symptoms below, you are the latest action figure added to the hot flashes saga. ( of course some of the same symptoms can derive from more serious medical conditions, so please consult with your GYN)

Menopause symptoms: irritability, weight gain, anxiety, hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, loss of libido, sleeplessness, vaginal dryness, dizziness, nausea, to name a few. If any of the listed ring a bell chances are, you are the newest member of the hottest club. And since this is a club where you have others that have gone before you and have left clues and some natural safe remedies that will help you to slide on to your next stage of life without medication, Hormone-Replacement Therapy or an outrageous medical bill.

Below we will uncover 5 natural remedies to relieve hot flashes that are safe, easy and anyone can implement:

  1. We have all heard that you are what you eat; so one of the first hot flashes cures includes modifying our diet. Since leg cramps are one of the symptoms that is associated with menopause it stands to reason that we need to include Potassium in our diet. And we have all heard that eating bananas is a safe and easy way to alleviate leg cramps. Why bananas, because bananas are a great source of Potassium. Potassium also helps to boost energy and helps to control the bloating that is associated with menopause.

  2. Exercise: exercising has many benefits, it is known to increase energy, reduce stress, combat weight gain, improve sleep, gives you an overall healthy feeling, including crystal clear clarity. According to the experts we should exercise at least 30-45 minutes daily and weight train at least 2-3 times a week with light weights. (check with your doctor before starting any workout programs)

  3. Water; since our bodies are made up of about 2/3rds of water, it is imperative to replenish our body water level. Water helps to control our body temperature, helps us to think clearer and helps to eliminate properly.

  4. White sugar: sugar can be deceiving. We eat something sweet to give us a boost, however, a few minutes after eating it, we are tired and lethargic. White sugar plays a major role in the deterioration of our bodies. Sugar can throw your hormones out of balance. If or when you get a sweet tooth try to eat fruit or sweeten foods with a natural sweetener.

  5. Increase your intake of Omega 3 Fatty Acids: Foods such as salmon, walnuts, cold-water fish and olive oil contains omega 3 fatty acids. What is so great about Omega 3 fatty acids is it helps your body to burn fat. Omega 3 fatty acids has been known to relieve irritability, mood swings and hot flashes
There you are 5 easy-to-follow natural remedies. If you are suffering and really want to find a hot flashes cure without medication, drugs, or expensive medical bills, first try the above 5 options. If you are willing to participate in your own rescue and put in a little time into yourself, you can use the process of elimination. Watch to see how often you have your hot flashes and in addition to that watch what you are eating that could be contributing to your hot flashes. Modify your diet, exercise, reduce your white sugar intake, drink 6-8 glasses of water each day, and increase your Omega 3 fatty acids for a great start to cure hot flashes. If the above suggestions do not do the trick, there are a few other natural remedies you may want to try that's safe, easy and has worked for thousands of others.

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