Monday, August 5, 2013

Menopause Insomnia? Fight it With Natural Treatments!

If you are like most menopausal women, you experience menopause insomnia. Try these natural menopause treatments to fight menopause insomnia and get some more sleep!

Maybe you climb into bed and lie there with your eyes open, or maybe you fall asleep only to wake up a few hours later unable to get back to sleep. Either way, losing sleep is not fun.

Not getting enough sleep can affect our weight, our mood, our relationships, our health, and our productivity. That is pretty much everything that gives us a good quality of life!

You probably already know that you should have nighttime rituals like taking a bath or listening to relaxing music while you read a magazine and smell a scented candle. (I am sure that is exactly what you do every night, right?)

Although it is hard to fit relaxing nighttime rituals into a hectic day, these kinds of routines signal to your body and mind that the day is ending, and it is time to wind down. Without them, it is all too easy for our minds to wander until we are trying to solve all of our life's issues rather than sleep.

If you have already implemented nighttime rituals, and they are not working for you, you might want to look into some natural menopause sleep treatments.

Here are some popular supplements to help you sleep:


The calcium is good for your bones and teeth and the magnesium will make you sleepy. Take this supplement right as you are going to sleep.

Valerian Root:

It has a bad taste (so take it in a pill form), but this root will help you sleep.


Maybe you have already introduced a cup of chamomile tea into your nighttime routine. If you have not, you should! Chamomile will help you sleep, and a soothing cup of tea can relax your nerves and get your body and mind ready for sleeping.

Natural Progesterone Cream:

If you know that your progesterone level is low, using a progesterone cream can help you fight menopause insomnia. Rub this cream onto your face, the palms of your hands, or your thighs.

Along with those supplements, you might also consider dropping your intake of refined carbohydrates and eating a high fiber diet, working out in the morning, cutting out alcohol, and getting 15 minutes of sunshine every day.

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