Friday, August 2, 2013

Hormone Imbalance and How it Affects Menopause

What is the Reason for Hormone Imbalance?

With the onset of menopause, there is a reduction in the hormone estrogen produced by the body. This routinely happens between the ages of 45 and 55. The change in hormone levels can create the imbalance referred to This can affect nearly every body system and hastens various symptoms which can be quite distressing.

As menopause symptoms can cover a wide spectrum, it can sometimes be hard to tell whether symptoms are caused by the hormone variations of menopause or another health problem.


Hormonal symptoms at menopause include:

  • Hot flashes, called hot flushes in the UK

  • Irritability, anger, or frustration (which is anger held inwards)

  • Sweating at night

  • Fatigue or a drained feeling

  • Loss of libido

  • Vaginal dryness

  • Hard to sleep

  • Depression frequently accompanies menopause

  • Foggy thinking

  • Variation in appetite

  • Rapid heart beat (properly called palpitations)

  • Reduced skin elasticity

  • Ringing of the ears (tinnitus)

  • Fears and anxiety

Some other conditions can arise during menopause which are not so apparent. These include:

  • Arteriosclerosis

  • Osteoporosis

Hormone Imbalance, Menopause Symptoms And Low Blood Sugar

Menopause symptoms are often identical to symptoms of blood sugar imbalance - low blood sugar. For example, hot flashes and variable mood can accompany low blood sugar - and may not necessarily accompany hormone imbalance. Do not choose to eat lots of sugary food to counteract this because this raises blood sugar levels which can worsen the symptoms it is meant to correct.

Can Anything Be Done About Menopause Symptoms?

Menopause isn't life threatening but some have reported that it can feel like it is, because menopause symptoms can be so aggravating! Fortunately there are various things which can be done to help balance up the hormones and check menopause symptoms using a programme of natural healthcare.

You can create this programme yourself by using the ideas in this article as a starting point. You can also find ready-made programmes which you can buy off the shelf. This can be a better idea.

If possible it is better to involve experienced practitioners in complementary medicine for advice and remedial treatment. This can be expensive - but is often worth it.

Any programme you use should include diet, exercise, relaxation and herbal or homoeopathic remedies. Acupuncture can also be very beneficial at this time. A programme of this type can be a wonderful benefit at menopause by encouraging you to be pro-active in dealing with your symptoms.

Natural medicine - including herbs, homoeopathy and acupuncture can help reduce hormonal imbalance. Thus they can help deal with symptoms such as the ones mentioned here. They can help for menstrual problems - period problems - as well as menopause.

Specific Herbs for Hormone Imbalance and Menopause

Agnus Castus and Dong Quai are the two best known herbs to help hormone balance. They have been used for centuries - Agnus Castus in the West, and Dong Quai in the East. However, don't forget that the best way to use them is as part of a comprehensive approach to healthcare - including diet, exercise and rest.

Natural Healthcare For Menopause Symptoms

When hormone imbalance strikes and menopause symptoms begin use natural methods to help you manage it. These are wonderful approaches which can make all the difference between unpleasant symptoms and great relief.

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