Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Menopause Natural Remedy - A Secret Treatment

A good liver cleanse is perhaps the most underrated menopause natural remedy out there. We're all aware of how important the heart and the brain are to the human body, but did you know that a well-functioning liver is just as critical to your health? The liver is responsible for filtering out toxins and excess hormones, and any problems with its excretory functions may contribute to estrogen dominance - which will only aggravate your menopause symptoms. Cleansing your liver and improving its functions may be the key to getting rid of hot flashes and other uncomfortable sensations for good.

The liver and estrogen dominance during menopause
You might be wondering - where does this estrogen dominance come from? Aren't menopause symptoms caused by the drop in estrogen levels? Actually, nothing could be farther from the truth. The cosmetics, pesticides, and plastics we use contain a substance called xenoestrogens - chemical preservatives that mimics estrogen's effects in our bodies when we absorb them through the skin. This normally wouldn't be a problem if our bodies had enough progesterone to counteract estrogen's harmful actions. The problem is that our progesterone levels drop faster than estrogen, leaving our bodies with high concentrations of this chemical wreaking havoc on our cells and our mood.

Although you can avoid estrogen with organic products and counteract their effects with natural progesterone, you also need a healthy liver to get rid of all the xenoestrogens in your body. The liver naturally declines in function as we age, especially after a lifetime of taking medication and other substances that weaken it. A liver that cannot eliminate xenoestrogens and other toxins as efficiently will cause estrogen to build up in the body. And since our polluted environment keeps bombarding our liver with chemicals, toxins, and excess hormones, it's not surprising that our livers are constantly overworked!

Cleansing the liver with herbs to naturally treat menopausal symptoms
Heal your liver and help it regain its functions with a good liver cleanse. These herbs are known for their abilities to detoxify the liver.

* Tumeric - an important herb in Ayurvedic medicine, turmeric is a powerful anti-oxidant that can stimulate the production of bile - the substance that aids in fat digestion. Xenoestrogens are often stored in fat, and the doubled production of bile will help the body go through these chemicals more efficiently.

* Milk thistle - a strong anti-toxin, milk thistle can regulate the liver's function through its curcumin content.

* Yellow dock - like turmeric, yellow dock regulates the secretion of bile and helps dissolve fat in the liver.

* Lycopodium - this herb is derived from moss and is great for liver detox, getting rid of kidney stones, and eliminating gall stones.

* Finge tree - aside from stimulating the production of bile, finge tree protects against liver diseases like hepatitis.

These herbs are available as individual remedies or as combined liver flush treatments. Cleaning up your diet by eating fewer refined carbohydrates and more raw foods will also go a long way in treating your liver. Refined foods will only add unnecessary burden to the liver, whereas fruits and vegetables can improve its function by nourishing it with vitamins and minerals.

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