Saturday, August 3, 2013

Good Food for Getting Relief From Menopause Systems

When women stop menstruating, they face the painful symptoms of menopause. They may prefer to get it treated immediately. They take sleeping pills to get rest and wear lighter clothes so that the hot flashes are trapped. Some of them use Pepto-Bismol to set right bloating and their stomach upsets. In this condition of severe discomfort, a rigid control is required over the food intake. Proper food is helpful to tune your body to menopause easily. A few useful foods to control menopause systems are described here:

You must have heard about Soy. It is a natural food and very good for health. It contains sufficient amount of plant estrogens known as iso-flavens, which are very effective to control hot flashes during menopause. These estrogens cut down the cholesterol as established by research. In addition Soy contains minerals like iron and calcium and sufficient quantity of protein and suits the need of woman particularly who need vegan diet. Nuts contain some fat, but it is totally different from the rich animal fat and it is unsaturated and good for health. In addition there are antioxidants and minerals like selenium, magnesium and vitamin E. The advantage with nuts is that you can add them to other foods and make food tasty as well.

Our body needs protein for growth and getting strength. Fish is good for health and contains protein, omega 3-fatty acids that are helpful for heart. This fat also reduces LDL cholesterol, and you can enjoy relishing fish. Flax is mostly found in the form of seeds. Otherwise, you can also purchase its capsules. Like Soy these contain phyto-estrogens that are useful to control hot flashes. Flax also has essential fatty acids in them for reducing cholesterol.

Green tea contains polyphones. It can be taken as a good source of even antioxidants once in a while. It is a natural cure to fight cancer and prevent damage of cells. Another most useful food that is mostly recommended for good health is green leafy vegetables. Green vegetable are a good source for vitamins and minerals. These contain fibre, Vitamin B and C, iron, calcium and manganese.

Coming to the milk products, yoghurt is a good nourishing food. It contains active culture such as lacto bacillus acidophilus that helps to control bad bacteria in the alimentary canal. Calcium is a good mineral for health. But yoghurt is to be avoided, if you are having lactose allergy.

You can see that you have plenty of healthy and tasty foods. You may relish most of them whenever you like and control over the menopause symptoms as well. Consuming plenty of water is always recommended to flush out toxins from body.

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