When a woman is directed to post menopause, her vaginal skin and vulva becomes really thinner and the vagina will loose its capability of producing wetness during the time of sexual contact. Around 75% women suffering from post menopause will badly endure atrophic vaginitis that will be instigated due decreased level of estrogens. Due to this, post menopausal women will experience bad pain during sexual contact, irritation, itching and enlarged vulnerability to vaginal contagions. Post menopausal women with atrophic vaginitis will suffer from itching, redness, and vaginal dryness. Being active during the sexual participation with the best assistance of lubricant and in-taking good amount of water will be really advisable in order to stay safe out from atrophic vaginitis. Basically, vaginal dryness is merely simple to treat! It is really advisable to contact a doctor, to get the best medical advice to overcome this trouble. There are several treatments that can be easily handled. They are vaginal suppositories, estrogen contained creams, and estrogen therapy.
Vaginal dryness is caused because of the factors described below! They are:
1. Devolved level of estrogen is the major cause leading to vaginal dryness. This will decline in the production level of estrogen and as a result the vagina gets dried and grows thinner!
2. However, the devolved level of estrogen is quite common for the result of vaginal dryness it is really advisable to check with fundamental medical consideration. Failing to check will lead to several side effects like Sjogren's disease.
Treatments to cure vaginal dryness and itching are here for your understandings:
Lubricants - You can find quite several vaginal lubricants available in the store shops. You should try using different brands in order to find the best brand matching and satisfying your partner. It is always recommended to make use of lubricants that are water based. This could be used safe along with diaphragms and condoms. The most familiar condom brands are Slippery Stuff, Astroglide, ID and KY Gel. These condoms will give you complete happiness during your sexual contact.
Conventional Approach - If your doctor suggests you several branded lubricants, you never miss to inquire the effects of using it for longer, regular use.
Complimentary Therapies - Relief is very close and prompt at your house kitchen. It is good to give a massage with olive oil that helps you to battle with the vaginal dryness.
Herbal treatment for Vaginal Dryness & Itching Remedies - Itching or Scratching, whatever may be the case, will be cured by using two natural herbal made products. One is the Aloe Vera Gel and the other is the Calendula Cream! Along with, motherwort is being described as a branded remedial measure to stay relief from vaginal dryness and itching troubles.
Homeopathic Vaginal Dryness & Itching Treatment - Women suffering from vaginal dryness and scratching or itching can experience a better relief with the use of Belladonna. Cantharis and Natrum mur is highly recommended to get relief from itching alone!
Be sure with the indications of the post menopause symptoms, so that you can avail the best treatment to get complete relief.
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