Thursday, June 13, 2013

Ovarian Cysts After the Menopause - Yes You Can Get Them But You Can Also Prevent Them

As you may already know, ovarian cysts develop when what we call a follicle does not dissolve after the ovulation period.

The question that many of you have been asking is whether it is possible to get an ovarian cyst after the menopause. First of all, developing a cyst after the menopause is not something out of this world. It is actually quite common.

The cysts that develop after you have had your menopause are named corpus cysts. Your ovaries contain cells, which go by the name of corpus luteum. It happens that once in a while, one of these will start to fill with a watery liquid and grow larger.

The thing with ovarian cysts is that you may not experience any symptoms at all. Indeed, some women are totally asymptomatic whilst others go through some serious pain and discomfort.

One thing to bear in mind though is that a woman is more likely to develop ovarian cancer after the menopause but rest assured because only 1 in about 10,000 in their forties and 1 in 1500 in their sixties will really develop cancer.

It is tremendously important that you visit your doctor if you suspect an ovarian cyst. A doctor will have a look and will most probably get you to do an ultrasound to make sure it is benign.

Now, as far as cysts developing after the menopause are concerned, you will most probably be offered the same treatments as younger patients and they will undoubtedly have the same results. Conventional treatments to cure ovarian cysts fail because they do not target the root causes of the disease and simply treat the symptoms. Hormonal therapy or surgery unfortunately work short term only whilst what you really need is a cure that will get rid of the condition for good.

So, if you are looking to prevent your ovarian from coming back you should try a different approach like all those women who have successfully managed to get rid of their painful condition.

What does a different approach really mean then?

Well, over the last few years more and more women have turned to alternative therapies and treatments to get rid of the symptoms as well as the disease. These treatments usually consist of gentle exercises, herbal remedies and a lot of very valuable tips and information, which you won't get from your doctor since the medical profession tends to believe that only conventional treatments are effective in getting rid of ovarian cysts.

A step-by-step guide is what you really need in order to understand clearly how your body functions and how it is possible to re balance your hormonal system in order to prevent lumps from growing back at a later stage.

The results have been phenomenal and so many women who used to suffer on a daily basis and in silence and now managed to successfully claim their life back. So the answer to the question " is it possible to get ovarian cyst after the menopause?" is yes and the response to the question of whether it is possible to get rid of it is yes, provided you choose to work with a natural cure that will re balance your whole biological system.

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