Menopause treatment is a big confusing issue today. Since most doctors only tell the information about hormone treatments, menopause women have to make the decision by themselves.
What is the best treatment for menopause? "Seeing is believing, but feeling is the truth."
said Thomas Fuller (1654- 1734). So, the truth is found by feeling it.
Do you know that breast swelling is the first side effect from all hormone treatments for menopause simply because there are many hormone receptors in the breast tissue?
Like a key and a lock, a hormone needs a hormone receptor to function. When you take hormones to your body, hormones are searching for hormone receptors to accommodate immediately.
No matter synthetic hormones or bio-identical hormones, they are all hormones. Synthetic hormones are made from mare's urine, and bio-identical hormones are made from plants. Your body can not tell the difference. However, as long as you are on hormones, your breasts will feel swell and tender.
In fact, women with dense breasts have five times the risk of developing breast cancer as those who don't, according to a research. Hormone treatments stimulate breast tissues, so you should avoid this crime you commit against your breasts!
Although the ovaries decrease estrogen production, the adrenal glands and even the fat cells still produce estrogens after menopause. Why not use this body's wisdom? Health lifestyles and herbal medicine are good enough to treat menopause without side effects.
"We believe, first and foremost, what makes us feel that we are fine fellows." said Bertrand Russell (1872 -1970).
Enough is enough - Shut up all arguments about menopause.
The best treatment for menopause is to reduce hot flashes without even a breast swelling side effect.
Feeling is the truth, nothing else!
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