Monday, June 24, 2013

Natural Things to Take to Help With Menopause - Your Menopause Relief Finally

Natural things to take to help with menopause can be located right in your local drugstore, as long as you are aware of what your body can handle. Many women unfortunately go through most of the menopausal symptoms while the lucky few only face one to none. I will briefly explain most of these symptoms and what you can take to get through them easily.

Symptoms in Different Women
As stated above, it's common for most women to experience numerous symptoms while others happily deal with none. A woman that has very few symptoms can be the effect of great health, different culture, or their overall lifestyle in general. She may deal with a mood swing every now and then or an occasional hot flash every blue moon. While many other women may suffer from anxiety attacks, mood swings, hot flashes, night sweats, brown spotting, vaginal dryness, water retention, loss of intimacy, and weight gain. This can be solved with the help of a few products.

Treatments for Symptoms
Some natural things to take to help with menopause issues would be black cohosh, Damiana, and red clover. These three are the most common over many other treatments. Black cohosh and red clover act as a hormone replacement which balances out the imbalances in the woman's hormones. Damiana is great for increasing the intimacy. Very often, loss of intimacy with your partner can occur during the menopausal period and Damiana is great for getting it back. I recommend speaking with your doctor prior to trying any of these to help you further your education about your body and minor side effects.

Additional Menopause Information
Menopause symptoms usually occur within a 2 to 10 year period around a woman's mid-40s and late 50s. In very rare cases, it can occur as early as age 35 and end as late as age 60. This time doesn't have to be as devastating for you as it is for most women now that you've acquired this information. My last recommendation is exercising and eating right. Add plenty of omega-3's, zinc, calcium, water, and pasta to your diet while exercising at least for 30 minutes a day.

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