Thursday, June 27, 2013

Hot Flashes in Men

Similar to females, men also experience hot flashes which may result in causing discomfort. Basically, it is an abrupt production of heat making you sweat a lot and at the same time giving you a cool feeling on your skin. Usually the frequency of this problem varies from 8 to 10 times in a particular day wherein a flash can last up to a minute or for an hour. Not only does it cause you discomfort but it also brings with it other problems like nausea, irritability, anxiety, and a fasten heart beat. Men normally experience this problem in their late 40's or early 50's and these last over a period of about 5-10 years.


When analyzed, it was concluded that the occurrence of hot flashes in men is mainly because of the lowering levels of testosterone hormone with age which cause the hypothalamus to overheat. This heat then needs to be ejected from the body forcing the blood vessels to expand. The body resists this heat and tries to remain cool which ultimately results in a cool and clammy sweat. This is mainly seen to occur in andropause (male menopause) stage or men who have undergone androgen deprivation therapy for treatment of prostate cancer as a result of androgen deprivation therapy that the testosterone levels decrease thereby causing hot flashes. In order to test the problem, a doctor can make the patient undergo a blood test.


The symptoms of a hot flash are more or less same in both the sex. It gives you an intense feeling of warmth and causes redness on your skin. Most people complain that they experience a hot flash in the night which causes them to sweat a lot.


For others who are victims of prostate cancer can intake small quantities of estrogen hormone in the form of medicines. Before proceeding towards the treatment it becomes very essential to consult a hormonal specialist because he can correctly judge the actual problem. The hormonal specialist wills also advice you to change in your normal diet plan and sleeping habits. A survey concluded that almost 80% of men who get hot flash due to androgen deprivation therapy are not able to recover from it, but with advancing medicinal technology we might see treatments which can help alleviate this problem. Regular exercising for about 30 to 40 minutes in a single day and intake of supplements may also help in this regard. Testosterone replacement therapy is one the most effective cure for this disorder. Apart from the replacement therapy, some of herbal and homeopathic treatments which are very helpful and do not have any side effects. Dong Qui and black cohosh are very effective in reducing mental and emotional stress. Intaking Vitamin- E and soy helps you have proper health which can ultimately increase your immunity towards hot flash. Doctors also recommend not to consume beverages and alcohol while you suffer from hot flashes because these drinks make you even warmer. A rise in your body temperature may again result in a hot flash.

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