Sunday, September 1, 2013

The Link Between Panic Attacks and Menopause

Panic attacks happen to everyone, to teenagers and adult men and women alike. However, not many people are aware of the fact that women who are in the perimenopausal and menopausal stages are also susceptible from panic disorders. When they are in the initial phase of menopause, women may fear that something unfortunate would happen soon. The anxiety leads to such attacks. It has been said by the medical experts that the hormonal changes have psychological and physical effects. They can make women more fidgety for no reason at all. It is imperative that everyone be educated with the link between panic disorders and menopause so that they can be guided accordingly.

The symptoms are just the same. It includes rapid breathing, dizziness, chest pains, hot flashes or sudden chills and even fainting at times. There are different things that can trigger a menopausal panic attack. Most of the time, it is linked with the changes in the hormonal levels as hormonal imbalances can induce more stress. Of course, there are still the frequent problems that can contribute into the occurrence of an attack. Worries about job, family and other things can be the causes. At times, it is not triggered by anything. They can come unannounced.

If left untreated, it can lead to phobia. Frequent panic attacks can worsen your physical and mental health in the long run that is why it is important that it will be dealt with as soon as possible. Do not lose heart though as you are not totally powerless to shield yourself from it. Prevention is better than cure so they say. You can help yourself. Follow the tips below.

• Acceptance is important. If you would admit that you have attacks at some time, the thought will penetrate into your system and it will help you to guide yourself with the symptoms you would experience.

• Identify what makes you feel afraid and what triggers it? Although the attacks may happen anytime and the fear you would feel does not have any connection with your actual situation, there might be a pattern you can find if you will look at what happened previously. Try to find out what can causes your depression and deal with it once you did.

• Keep in your mind that menopause does not and cannot make a person insane. Yes, you might be experiencing fear for no reason at all but that may be caused by the hormonal changes in your body and not your own doing.

• Find something worthwhile you can do. Divert your attention to activities that are beneficial so that your focus will be shifted from what causes your anxieties. Get a hobby.

• Do not blame other people. Remember that it is no one's fault. Treating someone badly and then realizing afterward that you should not have done it will only contribute to your stress that might already be too high. If you will be able to maintain good relationship with key people around you, you will cope up with your panic disorder faster.

• Make it a point that you relax. Take a break from the stressful work. Even mommies can have a day off. Learn relaxation techniques like proper breathing as it will come in handy when you are in the middle of a stressful situation. Doing yoga in a regular basis proves to be beneficial. Find a "safety valve" that will suit you.

• Hormonal replacement therapy and some supplements may help you. This can alleviate menopausal symptoms. If you would stay healthy, physically and mentally during the premenopausal and menopausal stages, there will be lesser chances that you would have episodes of panic attacks.

• Learn breathing techniques. Deep breathing eases the tension in the body and relaxes stiffened muscles. You can seek help from vocal coaches on how you can do it effectively.

Women who are in the menopausal stage and experience panic attacks, should not take it lightly as it can have adverse effects if you will not do anything to cure panic attacks. Aside from the additional discomfort to menopausal symptoms that it can bring about, the attacks can lead to agoraphobia and may interfere with your life. It may ruin your job, your family and everything else that is important to you. At the onset of the warning signs, it will be best to consult your doctor right away.

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