Tuesday, July 9, 2013

How to Come Off HRT Safely, With Natural Treatments

If you want to know how to come off HRT safely, then you need to look at natural therapies. Many women don't realise that there are alternatives to HRT. HRT can be dangerous, with many links to serious disease, including cancer.

However, having the menopausal symptoms is little fun either. The hot flushes are especially unpleasant, as your thermostat goes completely haywire for a few seconds or minutes. Once a day would be bad enough, but many women have this several times a day.

Night time can be especially trying, with bedclothes on and off like the proverbial yo-yo. And this is likely to disturb your partner too. So you're both grumpy and tired in the morning, from lack of sleep.

Little wonder that you're prepared to try anything, even dangerous drugs.

However, there are always alternatives to everything.

A naturopath is likely to prescribe a herbal tincture or two for you depending on your symptoms. And this is quite likely to bring you relief, even if it doesn't cure the problem altogether. At least it doesn't harm you.

The raw food Maca is good at helping to restore balance to your hormones. Again, relief may be all that you experience, but it soon adds up.

If you carry a plastic water bottle with you, then the BPA which leaks into the water, especially in high temperatures, is likely to disturb your hormones badly. A change of water bottle to glass or stainless steel may make a huge difference to you.

Most people have a bad to terrible diet. They survive on large amounts of processed food and animal protein. If you can drastically cut both down, you may be pleasantly surprised by the results. Apart from the imbalance from de-natured processed foods, most farm animals are fed a cocktail of antibiotics and growth hormones through their short lives.

These are past on to the end consumer. You.

Modern diets are often critically short of the nutrients essential to a healthy immune system. By taking a natural, plant-based supplement, you can go a long way to rebalancing this deficiency. The blue-green algae, Aphanizomenon Flos Aquae, from Lake Klamath is probably the best on the market.

All drugs compromise your immune system. So only take what you can't survive without. Let all unnecessary drugs go.

Homeopathy is a complete and natural health care system which works by finding your personal cause of ill health. It works with your unique symptoms. If you work with a professional homeopath, you can replace your drugs, improve your health and let the menopausal symptoms go altogether.

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