Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Controlling Menopause Symptoms - What Helped Me Tremendously

There are many joys that come from being a woman. Menopause is not one of them. As a woman I was having a hard time adjusting to the symptoms of menopause. My body began changing in a number of different ways and I felt like I was going crazy. Here is how I found out about controlling menopause symptoms and what helped me tremendously.

I love having a cup of coffee in the morning. Throughout the day I will enjoy a couple of cans of diet soda simply to keep me going all day long. However I found that cutting out the caffeine that I was drinking everyday, helped to reduce the amount of hot flashes that I was experiencing. Caffeine is actually a known spark that can flare a hot flash up in no time and by eliminating this factor, I felt much cooler than usual.

I began feeling very lonely and somewhat depressed. Depression is a major symptom of menopause and can last for days on end. I had heard about taking vitamins to help curve the menopause symptoms so I decided to give vitamin B a try. I found a simple Vitamin B product at the local health store and began taking the vitamin on a daily basis. This enabled me to smile a lot more and get a handle on the emotions that are associated with depression and menopause.

Taking up yoga helped me to get rid of my anxiety. I was able to learn how to breathe easily and I even met some new friends in the class that I was taking. When I was not in yoga class, I took up a DVD that I could use anytime I wanted at home. My feelings of anxiousness were alleviated and I was able to move forward.

Weight gain is one of the worst symptoms of menopause. As if dealing with these other crazy emotions were not enough, I found myself gaining weight. Once I started to notice a small amount of weight coming back, I decided to get on track with a diet that decreased the amount of fat grams that I was consuming. This helped me keep the weight down and still enjoy great meals every day.

After using these great treatments, I was able to get through my menopause without too many problems. While it might be hard to get a handle on some of these emotions, I found the vitamins and the yoga classes helped out the most. Any woman can take advantage of these symptom controllers right now. There is one other natural supplement I started taking which really changed my daily living for the better as many women will agree.

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