Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Sudden Hair Loss - The Top 3 Common Causes and Treatments

I will never forget when my hair loss started.  It was a normal morning and I went to read the paper.  As I bent my head down and began scanning the words, strands of my fallen hair began to fall onto the paper like rain drops.  Of course, this completely freaked me out.  I went to the bathroom, turned my head over the garbage can, and shook.  Immediately, tons of hair fell out forming a little heal of hair in the garbage can.  I grabbed the trash can and thrust it at my husband (who is a medical professional.)  Even he looked at me a bit baffled and we started racking our brains about the possible cause.

Since that day, I've done tons and tons of research on sudden hair loss. Below, I'll share with you the top three common causes of sudden hair loss and their corresponding treatments.

Telogen Effluvium (TE): Probably the most common cause of sudden hair loss is telogen effluvium or shedding.  Although some people have seasonal shedding (in the spring and fall), typical TE is most commonly very pronounced shedding that is well outside of what is normal for you.  Hair will suddenly be all over the house and all over your clothes.  It's very hard to ignore or miss.

Often there's a change in your body that causes this shedding. This may be starting or stopping medications (birth control pills are a common culprit), recently giving birth, menopause or peri menopause, thyroid or adrenal issues, being ill, having surgery, physical or mental stress, etc. 

The treatment for TE depends on the trigger.  Some triggers you can't do anything about. If you just had a baby, you'll just need to wait it out and support a healthy scalp and regrowth.  You may need to address hormone fluctuations or find a medication that agrees with you more.  You may need to restore you health. What ever the cause of your trigger, you'll need to identify, address, and fix it (if it's a fixable issue.)

Alopecia Areata (AA): Often times, AA is quite sudden, occurring in only a matter of days.  This is autoimmune related loss that will sometimes appear in smooth bald, patches.  Sometimes though, the patches progress or the patient gets diffuse or all over shedding - which sometimes results in total baldness (called alopecia totalis.)

Sometimes, hair on other parts of the body are also affected or thin out and / or become bald.  You may have hair loss in areas like your eye brows, lashes, pubic hair, beard, etc (this is called alopecia universalis.)

Needless to say, this type of hair loss is hard to miss. The patches often end up being quite smooth and pain free. Sometimes, regrowth will grow in white.  There are many theories as to the cause of this.  It used to be thought that is was stressed induced.  But, now the medical community is pursuing other causes like allergies, hormones, viruses, or exposure to toxins.

Treatment for this is often corticosteroids. Sometimes this is applied in cream form to the scalp and sometimes it is injected.  There has been some promising research on herbal mixes as treatments.  Some study respondents had a good deal of regrowth from a combination of herbs like rosemary, lavender and cedar wood, among other things.

Issues That Start In The Body And End Up On The Scalp:  Another cause of hair loss that seems to come out of nowhere is problems in your body that eventually make their way onto your scalp.  Examples are yeast, inflammation, bacteria, or ringworm.  This can inflame, damage and choke out the nourishment that the follicles are receiving and in turn they die off.

Treatment for this type of loss depends on the exact cause.  Sometimes, medications are needed and sometimes, you can alleviate the inflammation and yeast with topical treatments that you can make on your own using ingredients like tea tree oil, emu oil or horsetail among others, in combination, as part of a rotation, or alone.

Memory Problems - Simple Lifestyle Changes and Menopause Supplements For Memory Lapses

The Problem - Memory Lapses

During menopause, you may experience frequent memory lapses. Hormonal imbalance is an important factor in memory problems among menopausal women.

During menopause, the estrogen level fluctuate greatly, causing physical discomforts such as joint pains, headaches, hot flashes, sleep disorder, and mental problems including mood swings, anxiety, depression and irritability.

In case of memory lapses, declined level of estrogen affects the cognitive functions of the brain. Insufficient level of this female hormone causes the brain to slow down, leading to frequent memory lapses.

In addition, stress and disrupted sleep during menopause can worsen the condition. Some women also report fuzzy thinking as an accompanied symptom.

Memory problems may impede daily life. Misplaced keys, forgetting names, failing to remember appointments or important numbers, these can be very troublesome for many women.

Simple Ways to Alleviate the Problem

The good news is that: memory lapses are reversible and preventable, with some effective treatments, such as lifestyle changes and natural remedies.

Incorporate exercise into our daily route. Regular exercise sends more oxygen to your brain and relieves stress and tension. Increased oxygen and reduced stress can help the brain function better and reduce memory problems.

Limit intake of alcohol. Alcohol is harmful for the brain function as it damages never cells and depletes vitamins in the body, which are vital for building neural connections.

Get more snooze time. Sleep is essential for proper memory functions. Lack of sleep can affect mood, judgment and memory ability. A good night's sleep can improve your memory, especially for menopausal women. Aim for 7 to 8 hours sleep a night to get fully rested.

Natural Remedies to Relieve the Symptoms

Apart from memory lapses, you are very likely to suffer from other menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes, weight gain, insomnia and anxiety. These symptoms are all hormone-related and can make your memory lapses worse.

To maintain a good menopause health and reduce the hormone-related symptoms, make sure you give body all essential nutrients for a good health foundation, as well as effective herbs to fight the unwanted symptoms.

Herbs can help stimulate the brain and boost memory. Herbal supplements for menopause can regulate hormone levels and alleviate menopausal symptoms. Effective herbs include Black cohosh, Dong quai and Red clover.

When you are combining lifestyle changes and quality supplements for menopause, you are treating the problems from inside to outside, from root cause to related symptoms.

With quality menopause supplements, memory lapses may be reversed.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

How to Adjust BHRT?

Bioidentical hormones, also referred to as natural hormones, are used to treat menopause, perimenopause, and post-menopause symptoms. These hormones are much like the hormones that are produced in the body. They are metabolized, stored, and converted into other hormones naturally. The primary advantage of BHRT is that treatment doses are individualized.

Most bioidentical hormones are chemically-synthesized from diosgenin, a cholesterol-like molecule found in plants and then altered to be identical in molecular structure to the body's natural hormones. They are available as a cream, oral, suppository or injections.

For most women, if they have been on BHRT for a lengthy period of time, or just began treatment, the dosage may have to be adjusted because women's bodies and hormone levels are prone to changes.

Symptoms that may indicate that your BHRT may require adjustment include hot flashes night sweat, insomnia, vaginal dryness, reduced sex drive, yeast infections, and painful intercourse. As well, there have been incidents of heart palpitations and dry skin and hair. If one's estrogen level is too high, symptoms can include a desire to eat sweet foods and there will be an increase in weight. There can also be such symptoms as water retention, swelling and tenderness of the breasts, as well as anxiety related symptoms. If one's progesterone levels are too low, symptoms can include: weight gain, depression, mood changes, migraines, anxiety, acne, joint pain, and a low sex drive. As well, there can be drowsiness, bloating, and yeast infections. The individual symptoms are associated with either low or high progesterone and estrogen levels. Your doctor will have you tested to find out what hormone level that is lacking, or in surplus.

Testosterone is another hormone within BHTH treatment that may require adjustment. Low testosterone levels can result in fatigue, low sex drive, muscle weakness, heart palpitations, bone loss, fibromyalgia, bladder leakage, vaginal dryness, as well as some memory difficulties. Too high testosterone levels can cause acne, insomnia, irritability, loss of scalp hair, facial hair growth, and mood swings.

The symptoms will be reversed once the appropriate hormone levels have been adjusted. The main value of hormone replacement therapy is that it can be adapted to fit your own individual hormone needs. Because everyone is unique, they require an individualized hormone replacement therapy customized to meet their individual hormonal needs. As well, eating healthy foods and exercising regularly are important aspects of successful bio-identical hormone treatment. If a woman's hormones are out of balance, her body will not effectively respond to better nutrition and exercise. As your hormones level off, one will begin to feel much better and will have improved energy, spirit, and thought processes.

Bioidentical hormones are considered one of the most effective treatments for menopausal symptoms. Many women look to bioidentical hormone replacement therapy to relieve their symptoms. Research has shown that menopausal treatment with BHRT reveals important distinctions between bioidentical and non-bioidentical hormones and replacing lost hormones because of menopause drastically relieves menopausal symptoms and improves and enhances one's quality of life.

Break Free and Control the Symptoms of Menopause Naturally

Menopause can really take its toll on the millions of women that it affects each year. While it is an entirely natural experience for any woman, the symptoms can really make have a deafening mental affect on those whom are currently going through menopause. From waking up in the middle of the night with night sweats, to spacing out during the day due to hot flashes, even suffering from chronic headaches that you never once had, or feeling more irritable and you do not know why. Surely the symptoms of menopause are those that nobody wants to be plagued with. This is why for years the medical community has sought effective and safe treatment methods to help control such undesirable symptoms. Yet to-date, there are many conventional treatment options available, but most have an array of risky side effects that are attached.

The common symptoms of menopause
A woman who is going through menopause will feel many different symptoms, which can vary slightly from person to person. Of the most common symptoms of menopause, perhaps the most undesirable are night sweats, lack of sexual interest or poor sex drive, vaginal dryness and or itching, chronic headaches, hot flashes, irritability, depression, abnormal weight gain and urinary changes. And these are but a few of the thirty-four known symptoms of menopause that plague women around the world each and every day. With all of the different treatment options that do exist, many women are fearful of the adverse and known side effects that can be attached to many of the conventional treatments currently available.

Natural remedies versus conventional treatments
Taking a look at conventional versus natural methods of treatment for menopause it is clear as to why all-natural supplements are quickly becoming vastly popular. Women have a few options when choosing a treatment method. Use hormone replacement drugs, which have been linked to a variety of uterine cancers; use synthetic, injected drugs, which have their own sets of known and sometimes dangerous side effects; or use soy-based alternatives, which have been proven to only be so effective. Perhaps this is why so many women are turning to newer supplements which contain natural ingredients that treat all thirty-four known symptoms of menopause effectively.

Female Libido (Sex Drive) After Menopause - Facts That You Should Know

A moment ago when you think that you've finally obtained menopause under control, one of the biggest hurdles yet comes flying right at you is that you are no longer interested in sex. Hammering of libido is one of the most ordinary symptoms of menopause, with wherever between 20% and 45% of menopausal women reporting diminishes in their sex impel. If you are irritated by this lack of libido, examine and find out what you can perform to improve your sex existence after menopause.

Attitudes towards Sex after Menopause

Sex for the period of and after menopause has always been an issue of great argue and every woman feels a special way about it. In the precedent, sexual interaction after menopause was viewed with horror. Fortunately, this view about sex during menopause is gradually but surely changing and sex and menopause is now an issue that is open for conversation. And Menopausal women are now understood to be as female as they ever were.

Reasons of Decreased Libido

Throughout menopause, libido can drop to very low levels. Some women got they don't think regarding sex nearly as much as they used to before menopause. Others find they desire to have, but just aren't enjoying it. Decreased libido is consideration to be due to lowered levels of, testosterone progesterone, and estrogen present in our body during menopause. These hormones have a specific responsibility to play in making you familiarity sexual desire.

Mood Swings and Depression

Stable mood swings can make it hard to plan sex in advance, or dig up into sex at the same time as its happening. You can experience up to one minute, but you may be totally against it the next.

Potential Treatments

Many women may be happy with their own new lowered sex impel and do not desire to seek out treatment, a variety of treatment options are existing if you are experiencing a lowered sex drive as a result of menopause. Speak to your doctor about your symptoms and decide a treatment option which is right or you.

1. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT): HRT is considered as the most triumphant menopause treatment. Whereas HRT may not increase your libido chemically, it may help decrease other symptoms that may be complicating your love life.

2. Hormone Creams: Hormone creams that include estrogen could be applied to the vagina in order to boost blood flow. Blood flow is supposed to allow for greater than before sensitivity and easier orgasm.

Finding A Natural Cure For Female Hot Flash

There is a natural cure for female hot flash, at least for most women. Because of the health risks associated with hormone replacement therapy or HRT, many women seek alternative treatment for hot flashes and night sweats. Researchers have evaluated many of these treatments.

For many years doctors only recommended HRT for women bothered by hot flashes and night sweats, but that trend is changing. Even though most doctors prefer not to suggest herbs and botanicals, black cohosh is now recommended as an alternative treatment for hot flashes and night sweats. Even the North American Menopause Society lists black cohosh as something that may help.

At one time women's clinics relied on equine estrogens and synthetic progesterone to help women with menopausal symptoms, but now the better clinics evaluate a woman's lifestyle and diet, before writing a prescription. Lifestyle and dietary changes may take time and some women find them frustrating.

Botanicals like black cohosh can help ease this transitional period. If a woman's lifestyle is an issue, she may not need to take black cohosh on a long-term basis, but research has shown that it does not increase the growth of estrogen sensitive breast and uterine cancer cell lines in the laboratory. So, if a woman does need to take it for many years, there is believed to be no health risks associated with its use.

Black cohosh is a natural cure for female hot flash in many cases, but there are other botanicals that can help if black cohosh proves to be ineffective. Many doctors are not familiar with the following herbs and botanicals, but clinical research has shown that, at least for some women they are somewhat effective.

Isoflavones are plant compounds that have an estrogen-like effect on a woman's body. Soy and red clover isoflavones are the most commonly seen. As an alternative treatment for hot flashes and night sweats, research has shown that dietary supplements containing soy isoflavones reduce symptoms by as much as 80%.

Mood swings trigger hot flashes in some women. There are botanicals like St. John's Wort and 5-HTP that help stabilize moods. Either of these may be an effective alternative treatment for hot flashes and night sweats. Most herbalists recommend that St. John's Wort should not be taken continuously for more than a few weeks, without a week off. One of the compounds found in St. John's Wort builds up in the liver and is not recommended for people with liver disease of dysfunction. No adverse reactions are believed to be associated with 5-HTP. It is similar to tryptophan, but the manufacturing process is safer.

Tribulus terrestris is a botanical that has been used by athletes and bodybuilders to increase endurance and stamina. Laboratory evaluation seems to indicate that the body can use tribulus to create hormones. Contrary to what some people believe, not all of a woman's hormones are produced by the ovaries. The body can make what it needs from other hormones, if they are present. Balancing hormonal levels is believed to be a natural cure for female hot flash.

There are other herbs that have been used historically to correct hormonal imbalances. Sarsasparilla and red clover are two that were used historically by Native Americans to correct symptoms associated with hormonal imbalances. Some supplement companies blend together several herbs, botanicals, plant component and vitamins to provide women with an alternative treatment for hot flashes and night sweats, as well as the many other symptoms that may be associated with menopause. To learn more about them, please visit the Menopause and PMS Guide.

The Best Menopause Natural Remedies - Treatments For All Symptoms!

When we think of menopause, we think of hot flashes, mood swings, and general discomfort. What we often forget are the other side effects of menopause that often only further exacerbate that discomfort all women must deal with at one point in their life. The menopause remedies you are learning about here will help you treat those symptoms you are suffering with no nasty side effects.

What Are The Side Effects of Menopause?

Our menopause natural remedies will help you with the following:

  • Hot flashes

  • Sleep disturbances (help increase the estrogen levels in your body which in turn improves your sleep)

  • Vaginal dryness ( boosting estrogen will help lubricate a woman's vagina, which increases pleasure during intercourse)

  • Joint and muscular pain (unknown why this is often a side effect to menopause, though menopause natural remedies do seem to help relax and rejuvenate a woman's body)

  • Skin problems (that lack of estrogen again leads to dry skin)

  • Mood swings (am I happy? Am I sad? Just what AM I? Menopause natural remedies help from the inside out, which goes a long way in stabilizing one's emotions)

  • Bladder problems (frequent urination and bladder problems are often an issue for menopausal women which is primarily linked to lowered estrogen levels)

How Can Menopause Natural Remedies Help Me?

As you can see from the list of symptoms above, the overwhelming reason why menopausal women have such a tough time is due to the sudden drop of estrogen levels in their body. Natural remedies work with your body to help restore and stabilize those levels, without any need for synthesized animal hormones or any other medications with unfavorable side effects.

What Are Some Natural Menopause Remedies I Can Use Every Day?

One of the first remedies you can start immediately is increasing your intake of certain plants that contain "estrogenic" substances. Some of these natural healing remedies include:

  • Soy beans and soy sprouts

  • Alfalfa

  • Garlic

  • Apples

  • Crushed flaxseeds

  • Sunflower seeds

  • Papaya

  • Yams

  • Olive oil

  • Cabbage

  • Beets

  • Green Beans

These foods also help those seeking acne home remedies, remedies for ADHD, natural weight loss remedies, eczema remedies, those looking for natural remedies for heartburn - for anyone looking for any sort of homeopathic cure or for natural healing remedies, changing one's diet is always the best place to start.

For hot flashes, be sure to increase your intake of water and to try and drink three cups of evening primrose oil tea daily. You can also create menopause natural remedies in your own kitchen. One tincture that I found particularly effective was the following:

2 tsp. cohosh root tincture
1 tsp. chaste tree tincture
1 tsp don quai root tincture
1 tsp. ginseng root tincture
1 tsp. licorice root tincture
1 tsp. sarsaparilla tincture

All you need to do to make and remake these menopause natural remedies is to simply mix all of the ingredients in a bowl and to take three dropper-fulls a day.

For your dry skin, look for moisturizers that contain beeswax and vitamin E. These types of moisturizers go a long way in acting as menopause natural remedies as it will relieve that dry flakey skin and help combat those looming wrinkles.

If you need some menopause natural remedies for vaginal dryness, try these two things:

First, be sure to take 2000 mg of vitamin C (either naturally or through capsule form), 50 mg. of selenium and 10 mg of beta-carotene. This will help both improve your dry skin and vaginal dryness. You can also create a soothing lotion for vaginal dryness consisting of 1 oz. of almond oil, 2 drops of geranium oil, and one 1000 iu capsule of vitamin E (broken open). Simply mix the ingredients together in a bowl and apply to both the inside and outside of your vagina twice a day.

I hope that these menopause natural remedies help you beat the menopause-blues!